Company Growth and Development

A company’s development follows a similar path as a human: infant, toddler, teenager, young adult, parent, mature adult…  A company’s ability to safely transition through each phase requires different vision and skill sets.  An entrepreneur may successfully manage the initial stages of a company though require a managed approach to allow the company to continue its growth and development.

MPL provides the mentoring, coaching and management support/development to move a company from one phase to the next.

Transitioning through phases of growth can be difficult. We consider all the drivers of change – from the ground up and we’ll motivate and support you to make the change.

How can we help you?

Contact us by phone or submit a business inquiry online.

Terry has a great ability to work in tough and time-crunching situations. He also understands the value of relationships and is an excellent networker and go-getter. I’m sure Terry can execute in challenging environments with a very high level of integrity and very effectively.

Jose Kreidler
Managing Director, CRESO Capital Partners

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